Thailand is a south Asian country which is famous for its health care systems. Nomadic to
Bangkok is a developing trend these days for medical treatment. Thailand can be referred to as
one of the leading country which became the destination for medical tourism in Asia. While
we go through the official records and estimates, millions of people travel to Thailand for
medical treatment.
“Thailand: Centre of Excellent Health Care of Asia” policy is adopted by Thailand in 2003,
and is regulated in 2012 and now is the most popular destinations for medical tourism. Many
of the people consider a chance to combine their hospital treatment with a holiday as a far better
choice than staying at home. In such scenario vast experience of dealing with foreigners,
excellent customer service and global class hospital structures makes sense. In Thailand
particularly in Bangkok which is the capital city of Thailand medical tourism is in its growth.
There are many reasons why Thailand is a popular destination for medical tourism.
• The first reason can be figure out as the price itself. No one likes to waste money. But
when it is the case our health, we may not consider money as a primary concern. Lower
cost treatments in Bangkok becomes the most important factor of attraction for medical
tourism in Thailand. The quality health care services are provided by the Thailand with
lesser cost compared to European countries and America as well.
• We could mention the second factor as the highly experienced doctors who are having
an international experience. The Thailand doctors who study in abroad and acquiring
sufficient experience, knowledge and observe the various kinds of medicinal
approaches from places like US, Japan and Germany. Then they return to Thailand
with all those skills and working here for their country.
• The next reason is that one can add treatment while on a holiday for just a fraction of
price. Health check-ups, physical therapy etc. are cheaper here compared to US and
Europe. And it is simply possible to set up an outpatient visit with its procedures so
that it will not take too much time from you. And one could enjoy rest of the time of
their holiday.
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• In case of more complicated surgery, there are popular places to receive treatment. The
waiting time are very less. Here in Bangkok physical examinations can be done on the
same day so that wastage of time can be reduced.
• Top Bangkok hospitals may look and experience like luxury hotels. To calm the
anxieties of a patient and to have a feel of holidaying somewhere, it is very helpful.
Most perfect dentistry is available here in Bangkok hospitals.
• Thailand hospitals specially in Bangkok hospitals provide excellent spine and
orthopaedic treatment. Orthopaedist, neurosurgeon, cardiologist, anaesthetist and pain
specialist are included in a team of doctors who treats for spine surgery.
• More than twenty joint commission international accredited hospitals are there in
Bangkok. This accreditation is given to those hospitals who provides and uses latest
technologies. Advanced cutting edge technology is used in most of the hospitals in
Bangkok. 4D mammography, which detects cancerous tissue far earlier, Cath lab for
examining patients having heart symptoms.
International benchmark quality hospitals are providing best treatment with highly experienced
doctors and faculties in Thailand. Bangkok becoming a medical tourism hub in this manner.
One could enjoy the beauty of the land and can experience better treatment for less cost in a
calm and stress free environment. Thailand medical tourism is a best choice for those who seek
holidaying and medical treatment simultaneously.