

career counselling for working professionals

career guidance for working professionals

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Do you still enjoy your work as in the past?i Is career guidance for working professionals?? If you haven’t given it some serious thought, you really should do it now. Many working professionals suppress their dissatisfaction with their careers. They think “it will be fine” or feel they don’t have many feasible immediate options left. Sure enough, you will manage to do a job that is not satisfying for a short period of time. But once the limit has been crossed, everything in your life starts going downhill. Right from your personal wellbeing to your relationships gets affected. Just like career guidance and counselling is given to students and graduates, working professionals also need it to fare well in their career. A simple definition of career assessment  is counselling that is executed to help an individual with either choosing, changing or leaving a career. career counselor  service is required .

It is not uncommon for working professionals to not be able to find the right career immediately. This is a simple example of a situation where the importance of career counselling is very much evident. There are also cases where people venture into a particular field/career not owing to their interest. Due to pressure from home or society, they do that. The results of such decisions are not pretty at all.

As a working professional, one of the toughest situations is where a decision on career change has to be made. While some may feel they have better chances for utilizing their skills in another career. Others may feel tired of pursuing the same career for years and years without any room for enthusiasm. Whatever is the reason, a career counsellor will be able to point out the pros and cons of a career change decision. They will help you in identifying whether the new role is suitable for you or not. In case one requires further education or training for the new role, a career counsellor can alert you to the need. As not all working professionals recognize the requirement.

Unforeseen circumstances

Sometimes, working professionals have to confront sudden setbacks in their career. These could include dismissal from a job, lay-off or other reasons like maternity leave. Starting afresh can hold a lot of challenges. The need for adapting to changes is also a challenge. It is okay to take the help of a career counsellor for making the right decision.

In a nutshell, the benefits of career counselling comprise the chance to get support from an objective guide. Career counselling also helps in understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses, job search support, learning important skills and clarifying career goals.

However, in specific situations, it is also possible to not need career counselling for changing your career. Sometimes the difficulties you are facing is not in your career. You might just need a change in your routine life and general approach to challenges.

It is indeed hard to interpret why a working professional is dissatisfied with his or her career. But do not allow yourself to feel helpless or stuck in a career. Make a decision to seek career counsellor’s support when the need arises. Let’s make each of our work interesting and fun!

Any students who are looking for best engineering colleges in Kerala.


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